Leader Resources

Guide to Safe Scouting

The Guide to Safe Scouting is an overview of Scouting policies and procedures gleaned from a variety of sources. For some items, the policy statements are complete. Unit leaders are expected to review the additional reference material cited prior to conducting such activities.

Go to https://www.scouting.org/health-and-safety/gss/ to obtain a latest copy of the guide for free. 

“… The books lay down definite principles and examples which serve to guide the leaders when applying their common sense to the situation before them. No two situations are ever precisely the same, and it is therefore impossible to lay down exact rules that should guide in every case, but a man who carries precedents and principles in his head has no difficulty in applying their teaching in supreme moments of sudden emergency …”  - Sir Robert Baden-Powell 

Adult Leadership Training 

Why should leaders get trained? 

Leadership training is more than learning the dos and don'ts.  It helps us prepare for creating a fun adventure for all our Scouts while guiding them through the program.  It makes leaders more knowledgeable and confident.  This creates an exciting program for our Scouts and will have a significant impact on their lives, so they will stay in Scouting.  This in turn makes the leadership role easier, more rewarding, and fun.  Trained leaders impact the quality of programs, youth tenure, safety, and a whole lot more.  A trained leader is better prepared to make the Scouting program all it can be!  Our goal in Pack 416 is to get all our leaders 100% trained.

YPT - Youth Protection Training

Youth Protection Training is required for all adults, parents and leaders.  For instructions on taking the YPT class, click on the link below. 


Leader Training

Leadership training is offered online.  Log into https://my.scouting.org/.  Use the menu in the upper left corner to go to the My Dashboard page.  Click on the Training Center and then select Cub Scouting.  This will bring you to the Cub Scout Learning Plans.  Select the plan(s) that best fit your position.  This will start your online training.